
The guilt of betrayal
makes you want to
scream and yell
it seems to be
the thing to do
when you are going through hell

Its a hard pill to swallow
once you are betrayed
the love has weakened
the trust has been broken
and the relationship strayed

But its important
to never give up
not on hope
not on love
not on God
not on luck

And it’s very important
to not give up on you
you are not the blame
and you shouldn’t choose to
carry that burden of guilt
on your shoulder
when all you were doing
was being a woman
looking for her spouse to hold her

But instead he chose to
find comfort in the streets
to a home
to a another family
to a woman
to another soft pair of sheets

That weren’t yours

But it’s ok queen
hold your head
you will get through

Trust in God
and have faith
and he’ll show you what to do

For after all
you are his child
and he knows whats best for you
and what you see as betrayal
is a loophole that God is trying to give you

To save you from something
that can take your life in the end
when you find out the person
who he betrayed you with
was in fact your best friend
who had her own man
but just couldn’t stand
to see a smile on your face
when things were going great
she envied what you had
and wanted a taste
and seeing them
could have caused you to possibly catch a case
and that wouldn’t be good
especially for your kids sake

God knows all things my dear sister
and he will never fail
so just think about it
when you are faced with betrayal

mrs. clw

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