If at First You Don’t Succeed

So today I started my first online group life as a prison wife and I’m super excited 😊. This is just a step in the right direction. It’s so good for your dreams to come to life. Anyway the group is on Facebook. I figured that a lot of people are still in the Facebook world so it would work.
I figured I would try to have a place or forum to talk freely with no judgement and do some fun stuff. Each day there would be a topic. For the first week I figured it would be Motivation Monday,you know it’s back to the work week and we all could use that motivation especially when trying to get the kids ready for school and yourself for work and having to do it all alone😑. Tuesday would be Think Tank Tuesday. A day where we can come together to focus on problems or issues we are facing ourselves or loved ones. With so many (I’m praying) to give advice it will be a great success. I’m praying it will all work in my favor.

If at first you don’t succeed
there’s always another day
To research your upsets and
And try things another way


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