You are not Alone

Welcome and thank you for entering my world. And since u clicked the link I might be right in assuming that this is your world too. And if that is correct then I’m ready for us to share this journey together. This was created as a place where you can come and release even if it’s 5 or 10 minutes out of your day. This is a place to let go of all the negative stigma that surrounds a “prison wife”. This is designed to let you know you are not alone on this journey n you will get through it. With the help of God I know u will get through it.
This page was created for those that have 2 weeks in jail ranging to those that have life without parole(lwop). This is for all women no matter what walk of life u come from. It’s the situation we are in that has brought us here together to share the common bond of hurt, anger, broken hearts and loneliness. I can’t wait to start this journey with you. Just counting down the days until our loved ones comes home.

You are not alone. Even when it feels that you are
But there are millions of women
like you.
Some are near while others are
You are not alone.
Even when you are going through.
Because remember God made u a promise to never leave nor forsake you.
You are not alone.
Even when the world has turned their back on you.
Always remember you have your sisters here letting you know
You got this and WE GOT YOU.

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